Friday, May 27, 2011

Helping Take Control of Your Family's Health

I can't stand it anymore!!!!

Scanning the headlines shows me how much the government has taken control of our lives. Never mind "Obamacare"; the AMA, public school systems, public health systems, departments of human services, UN rights of the child,"homeland insecurity", departments of agricultre and the FDA have already made sure that our children are not our own. They are wards of the state and the government supposedly has their best interests at heart. Are you informed on what is best for your children? Do you know the truth about actions you take for your family's health every day?

Today's news showed a headline on a parents right to choose vaccinations for their children.
It made me think of a website that helped us make informed decisions on vaccine choices for our children it is the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC).

 They are very informative on issues and aspects that the general medical professionals won't tell you. Here is a great place to start Ask Eight Questions.
I write part of this from experience, I watched my father die within four months of receiving a shot for the flu from Guillain Barr Syndrome. He wasn't in great health, with many heart issues, but he was improving until he got the shot to supposedly help protect him. We watched him go from walking, to using a cane, to not being able to move without help, and then completely bed ridden in pain. We also watched his mind go from alert to a severe alzheimers like state. It was like watching a full grown adult revert back to infancy. It saddened me to watch but it also made me search out answers.
I watched two of my sons get asthma after shots, with no family history of asthma. Do I have proof these incidents were vaccine related? No. What I do have now is knowledge and I am grateful to all that the NVIC has done to make people aware.
I have talked with dozens of families whose children have gotten autism shortly after receiving shots and wish they had known the truth beforehand. Look up SIDS deaths around the world in areas where vaccines are mandatory and where they are not Look at this transcript. Watch this  short video The Town of Allopath and you decide.

On your family's health issues it really is your decision, contrary to what the government may want you to think. Here is some information  from Dr. Mercola another man who has helped inform us about our family's health that can help if you have been trying maintain your weight despite diet and exercise Nutritional Typing. He also has done some great research on cancers such as  Common Over The Counter Pain Medication Link to Blood Cancer  and diabetes 1 in 4 Chance of Diabetes.

The last books I recommend on health was a couple of the first books I read for our family's health.Dr. Robert Mendelsohn.and Prescription for Nutritional Healing.

Our family's health journey started about 10 years or so, when our family was on the mission field in a third world country. We watched our family suffer from minor ailments to life threatening disease that almost to the life of one our sons. Being informed helped us to know what to do and how to react to all the experiences we faced. The journey still continues today and I want to be able to inform others that we are not helpless

I know some are thinking I must get some kind of kickback out of listing all these products or websites. But I have no affiliation to these sites nor any kind of payouts attributed to them. I just want to inform people to make their own decisions on matters and understand that there are options right now you can make for your family's health. In the future there may not be so many options open, especially under socialized medicine or Obamacare. Research for yourself alternatives because  the window of opportunity is closing and there may not be many pharmaceutical options available.

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