Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Appreciation: How To Lighten Any Bad Mood

In scanning the news stories that flash is front of the screen it is quite depressing. The moral degradation of our society is enough for me to want to stay home, hide, lock my doors, and never leave again. I am instead declaring it Appreciation Day as an alternative to the news media's bias of Depreciation Daily. It is a commitment to try to seek the good versus the bad in all we say or do. May we all be able to “Seek good, and not evil, that ye may live: and so the LORD, the God of hosts, shall be with you, as ye have spoken” Amos 5:14.
We can look at life and remember all the wrongs people have done to us or we can choose to remember the good we have received. Too often we look to the wrongs and think we deserve better.
Is it a “bad” marriage? Remember back to the character traits that attracted you to your spouse, then tell them how much you appreciate that trait about them. Someone has to go first to turn things around.
Perhaps the children are being selfish and uncooperative. Honor the good traits you see them manifest throughout the day, reward them with a big hug and an “I love you” when you see it.
Is there a good friend that you appreciate in your life? What is it that they have manifested to your life that you appreciate most and try to seek to do that . Thank them for sharing that trait to you.
Meditate on what the most treasured character traits that we see in others. Write down some of those positive traits that others possess. Here are some to get the memory kick started. Kindness, Thoughtfulness, Gentleness, Diligence.  Remember even a smile goes a long way.

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